Our aids and adaptations team are committed to supporting individuals to remain independent in their homes. If any residents in the borough are finding it difficult to manage, the team are on hand to provide specialist equipment or home adaptations which may make their life a little easier.
Rose Hircock leads the adaptations team, which is made up of Marc Hamilton (Senior Surveyor), Building Surveyors, Aids & Adaptation Caseworker, Grants Officer and Aids & Adaptation Administrator. The team work closely with numerous stakeholders across the Council to provide an excellent service, most notably alongside the Bi- Borough Adult Social Care Team who manage all the major adaptation referrals to the service.
The team also works in the borough delivering private sector adaptations via the Disabled Facilities Grant, working with registered providers, residents in the private rented sector, and owner occupiers who are eligible for grant support.
Also with the voluntary sector on small discretionary grants.
Once a resident has been referred to the team by Adult Social Care, an occupational therapist will conduct an assessment to identify their individual adaptation needs. This will lead to the recommendation for provision of some form of equipment (known as a minor adaptation) and/or referral and recommendation for a major adaptation. If the latter is required, a surveyor will inspect the resident’s home and define the work required, including producing technical plans, work specifications and the securing of property consents (procurement, asbestos removal, planning permission, etc.)
The team works tirelessly to preserve and prolong residents’ independence and safety in their homes and are keen to spread awareness of their service across our communities. Raising the awareness of this service also falls in line with the requirements of the Consumer Standards introduced by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023. So, if you know of any residents who my benefit from the team's support, please email [email protected] or call 020 7361 3013. You can also contact the adaptations team directly. Please email [email protected] or call 020 8964 6141.