Home Improvement Agency
Durham, DH1 5TG
Who can use the service?
The service is available for residents of County Durham who are 60 or over, disabled, at high risk of falls or vulnerable in other ways.
What type of jobs can the Handyperson do?
The service can undertake small jobs in and around your home, taking up to a maximum of 2 hours, which affect your safety, security and comfort. The Handyperson can carry out a free home safety check to identify work that needs to be done to help you feel safe and prevent you from tripping and falling.
The service is available to both owner occupiers and tenants, but tenants will need to check first whether some jobs are the responsibility of their and may need to obtain landlord permission for works.
Examples of Handyperson jobs:
The list above is by no means exhaustive, if you have any questions about other jobs which you may need assistance with please give us a call to discuss how we may be able to help you.
Are there any jobs the Handyperson will not do?
Examples of jobs that the service is unable to do include electrical works (other than replacing plugs and fuses), any work connected to a gas supply, works to appliances such as cookers or boilers, routine gardening, any jobs above step ladder height or jobs that are the landlords responsibility.
How much will the service cost?
A charge of £15 per visit (inclusive of VAT) for up to an hours work is payable by the client, this can cover one or more different jobs carried out within that time. If the jobs take over one hour an additional £15 will be payable. Clients will be asked to pay for materials (at cost price) unless you supply them yourself.
The Handyperson service can only undertake small jobs around the home for up to a maximum of 2 hours.
How do I get in touch?
Tel: 0300 4562220
Text: 07764241076
Email: [email protected]