New awards have been launched to celebrate the efforts of individuals and organisations across the country to support people to live independently.
The National Healthy Housing Awards 2019 are open to those working in a wide range of agencies, from local authorities and social landlords to multi-disciplinary partnerships.
They build on the success of the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) Awards, which celebrate the work of home improvement agencies throughout England in supporting thousands of vulnerable people every year.
The new awards, organised by Foundations – the Government-funded national body for home improvement agencies – will continue to champion the work of HIAs but will also feature a broader range of categories.
This reflects the way services are increasingly being commissioned in more integrated and collaborative ways – all with the aim of supporting more people to remain living in their own healthy home, for example through the use of adaptations, digital technology and tailored home support.
Winners will help to inform Foundations’ ongoing work with partners to spread good practice and inspire others to follow their lead.
Paul Smith, Director of Foundations, said: “Incredible work is carried out every day to support people across the country to live comfortably in their own homes, and the National Healthy Housing Awards offer the chance to celebrate the individuals who strive for excellence and the services that truly make organisations special.
“From recognising innovative projects to commending exceptional staff, these awards will showcase the range of people involved in changing the lives of elderly, vulnerable and disabled people every day.”
Sponsored by wet room and adapted bathroom specialist ProCare, the National Healthy Housing Awards 2019 are open to nominations covering a wide range of roles and projects.
The categories are:
- Home Improvement Agency of the Year,
- Caseworker of the Year,
- Contractor of the Year,
- Handyperson Service of the Year,
- DFG Home Adaptations Service of the Year,
- Occupational Therapist of the Year,
- Social Housing Adaptations Service of the Year and
- Technical Officer of the Year.
- Best listing on www.findmyhia.org.uk
Winners will be announced at a ceremony on the September 25th at Central Hall Westminster in London that will include afternoon tea, presentations from the sector and opportunity to meet other nominated professionals and suppliers.
The deadline for entries is May 20th at 12pm.
Foundations is the national body for home improvement agency and handypersons services and DFG and is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. It provides support to nearly 200 not-for-profit home improvement and handyperson service providers in England who cover more than 80 percent of local authority areas.
Its core objectives are to: develop the capacity of the home improvement agency sector; represent the sector to government and other stakeholders; and maintain a database of home improvement agency services for the general public.
Home improvement and handyperson service providers are local organisations dedicated to helping older people, people with disabilities and vulnerable people to live in safety and with dignity in their own homes. Services are focused on ensuring existing housing is fit for purpose and vulnerable people, predominantly homeowners, are able to continue living independently as long as possible.