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Posted 03/03/2022 in Category 1

Four simple ways you can conserve water in your home

Four simple ways you can conserve water in your home

We sometimes take water for granted. While it might feel like your home has a never-ending supply, it’s important not to allow yourself to waste this natural resource. Just one person can use an average of 149 litres a day – enough to fill a worktop fridge all by yourself. 


More alarming is the amount of water which is lost without purpose. One report found that as much as 17.6% of all water pumped through UK pipes goes to waste. That’s the equivalent of 1,262 Olympic-sized swimming pools. 


So what can you do to make a difference in your own home? Here are four ways to help conserve water, without having to change up your routine too much. 



  1. Keep a bowl in the sink 


If you’re someone who waters plants regularly, think about leaving a bowl under the tap to catch excess water when it runs. That means whenever you wash fruit or veg, run the tap for a glass of water, or even just rinse off a dirty dish, you’ll be able to catch any liquid which spills over the edge. 


To make your job that little bit easier, you could even substitute the bowl for a small watering can or pouring device. This allows you to take it straight from the sink and start giving your plants the much-needed hydration they crave.



  1. Wash the dishes by hand 


It might sound like a chore (and time-wise, it is), but washing your dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher will save on both water wastage and your energy bill. One cycle can use as much as 9.5 litres of water when using a modern washer – while pre-2000 models can use as much as 25 litres. 


You can also expect to use as much as 1,800 watts of power every time you run one. By contrast, washing the dishes by hand just sees you fill up one washing up bowl, with practically no electricity needed. If we crunch the numbers, this 10-minute task could save you 3,467 litres of water a year.



  1. Shower quickly instead of a bath


While baths are preferable over long showers (as you’re capping the amount of water being used at one time), they aren’t quite as efficient as a 5-to-10 minute rinse. If you’re just trying to get clean, and aren’t too fussed about relaxing, it makes more sense to hop in and clean off. 


A 5-minute shower uses up just under half of what the average bath does. That said, you shouldn’t feel too guilty about bathing. In terms of minutes-to-water-usage a bath becomes more effective if you stay in it for 10 minutes or longer. Weigh-up what mood you’re in before making the choice. 



  1. Turn taps off whenever possible 


Turning taps off to conserve water sounds obvious – but how often have you left one running while brushing your teeth? Make sure to stop the water from running while you’re in the process of brushing, then turn it back on again to rinse your toothbrush and mouth. A running tap can use up to 9 litres of water per minute. 



Have these handy tips inspired you? Make sure to keep them in mind if you’re worried about the amount of water going to waste in your own home.